Alone, together
Coalition Authorship: collaborating autonomously, remotely, flexibly
How does it work?
Our methodology works in rounds, each with a different skillset. Collaboration is on each one's terms, and using each one's strengths. ​
Why it matters The contribution rounds take care to structure and cross-validate insights. Diversity is needed for the method to work — it is an asset, not a "nice to have" feature.
Our rounds are, for example:
Collection of cultural signals from culture-sensitive experts
Perspectives from academic researchers
Statistics, drivers and market trends from accredited sources
Iterations with generative synthetic intelligence, such as OpenAI, Bardo and others
Designers' organizational, structural and speculative skills
Culture-Sensitive Experts: bringing real-world expertise
A vital part of diverse thinking is knowledge outside formal academia. We actively seek for the participation of those who "live culture at scale" — for example, in contact with numerous individuals on a daily basis or in moments of particular importance. Teachers, retailers, nurses, doulas, Uber drivers, baristas.
The new thing here We offer a structured and safe space for these individuals share their observations of the world. Their contribution is part of the prime-matter of our research.
Work together, on your own, and when you are available
Contributors can participate in online workshops or live events, but they don't have to. Asynchronous work in Miro is just fine. Some dive in, some make a one-time contribution.
Why it matters People are busy, so they can contribute as they can. Participation in online workshops is voluntary, and our creative boards are very simple: add your stuff, sign your name — we'll do the rest.
Your contribution and previous research cited in our publications
Everyone is a co-author, and gets cited by they contribution.
Insights go on easy copy-paste citation-ready text with the contributor's name, a QR-code to your profile at Geist and other gimmicks.
Plus, your previous related research is welcome to the creative board, so it becomes cited as part of our references if that makes sense.
Why it matters Authors want credit and recognition for their work. We take that seriously. And we make the process easier with design work.